Thursday, December 11, 2014

HTML Interview

HTML Interview Questions :

What does HTML stand for?
Answer :
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. Hyper Text is the organization of information units into connected associations that a user can choose to make. Markup Language is how to display the objects. Therefor, HTML is the organization of data displayed onto a web page.
What are stand-alone procedures?
Answer :

Procedures that are not part of a package are known as stand-alone because they independently defined. A good example of a stand-alone procedure is one written in a SQL*Forms application. These types of procedures are not available for reference from other Oracle tools. Another limitation of stand-alone procedures is that they are compiled at run time, which slows execution.
Was XML created to replace HTML? Or will XML ever replace HTML?
Answer :

It is a fact that the problem with HTML is that combines “data” with the “presentation” details, but XML was not necessarily created to replace HTML, rather it was created with a much broader vision – a universal format to structured data. HTML is, and will remain, the primary backbone of the Web. However, the benefits of XML will soon be seen in HTML as well, which is evolving as XHTML 1.0 (HTML 4.01 in XML syntax). So, to answer the question: No, XML was not created to replace XML and it will not completely replace HTML; however it is being used to update HTML for better Web.
What is an HTML tag?
Answer :
An HTML tag is a syntactical construct in the HTML language that abbreviates specific instructions to be executed when the HTML script is loaded into a Web browser. It is like a method in Java, a function in C++, a procedure in Pascal, or a subroutine in FORTRAN.

What is JSP?
Answer :
Let’s consider the answer to that from two different perspectives: that of an HTML designer and that of a Java Programmer.
If you are an HTML designer, you can look at JSP technology as extending HTML to provide you with the ability to seamlessly embed snippets of Java code within your HTML pages. These bits of Java code generate dynamic content, which is embedded within the other HTML/XML content you author. Even better, JSP technology provides the means by which programmers can create new HTML/XML tags and JavaBeans components, which provide new features for HTML designers without those designers needing to learn how to program.

How HTML Works?
Answer :
HTML is made up of a series of tags, which are similar to commands, telling the web browser what to do. These tags can be typed into any normal  text editor such as Notepad or Simple text, and when in the right order, form a web page. Writing HTML then is simply, writing tags. Throughout this tutorial, you will be learning different tags in HTML.
How do I know if my HTML is correct?
Answer :

It’s good to validate your HTML. Just because you can see the Web page ok on your browser doesn’t mean every browser will show it that way, or even be able to access the Web page. Browsers attempt to “work around” HTML errors, and the differences can be subtle or drastic. That’s why the folks at WC3 have worked up the specifications of what works for every browser. Although some may display it a little different, at least you know they can access your page. (The different browser programs have their own set of “whistles and bells” that just won’t do the same… especially Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.)
What is XHTML?
Answer :

Is simple words, XHTML,  or Extensible HTML, is HTML 4 with XML rules applied to it (each begin tag must have an end tag, attribute values in single/double quotes, etc.). However, the overall vision of XHTML is much more than that. In addition to using XML syntax for HTML, XHTML also encloses specifications such as XHTML Basic (minimal set of modules for devices such as PDAs), XForms (represents the next generation of forms for the Web, and separates presentation, logic, and data), XML Events (provides XML languages with the ability to uniformly integrate event listeners and associated event handlers), etc.

Differences Between XML and HTML
Answer :
Some Differences between XML and HTML:
User definable tags
Defined set of tags designed for web display
Content driven
Format driven
End tags required for well formed documents
End tags not required
Quotes required around attributes values
Quotes not required
Slash required in empty tags
Slash not required

How do you create tabs or indents in Web pages?
Answer :
There was atag proposed for HTML 3.0, but it was never adopted by any major browser and the draft specification has now expired. You can simulate a tab or indent in various ways, including using a transparent GIF, but none are quite as satisfactory or widely supported as an official tag would be.
Answer :
The Mac and the PC use slighly different color palettes. There is a 216 “browser safe” color palette that both platforms support; the Microsoft color picker page has some good information and links to other resources about this. In addition, the two platforms use different gamma (brightness) values, so a graphic that looks fine on the Mac may look too dark on the PC. The only way to address this problem is to tweak the brightness of your image so that it looks acceptable on both platforms.
What are dimensions?
Answer :
Dimensions are categories by which summarized data can be viewed. E.g. a profit summary in a fact table can be viewed by a Time dimension, Region dimension, Product dimension.

Answer :
Init() When the page is instantiated, Load() - when the page is loaded into server  memory,PreRender () - the brief moment before the page is displayed to the user  as HTML, Unload() - when page finishes loading.
What is the property available to check if the page posted or not?
Answer :
The Page_Load event handler in the page checks for IsPostBack property value, to ascertain whether the page is posted. The Page.IsPostBack gets a value indicating whether the page is being loaded in response to the client postback, or it is for the first time. The value of Page.IsPostBack is True, if the page is being loaded in response to the client postback; while its value is False, when the page is loaded for the first time. The Page.IsPostBack property facilitates execution of certain routine in Page_Load, only once (for e.g. in Page load, we need to set default value in controls, when page is loaded for the first time. On post back, we check for true value for IsPostback value and then invoke server-side code to update data).
Answer :

In situations like, where the copy on write bit of a page is set and that page is shared by more than one process, the Kernel allocates new page and copies the content to the new page and the other processes retain their references to the old page. After copying the Kernel updates the page table entry with the new page number. Then Kernel decrements the reference count of the old pfdata table entry.
 In cases like, where the copy on write bit is set and no processes are sharing the page, the Kernel allows the physical page to be reused by the processes. By doing so, it clears the copy on write bit and disassociates the page from its disk copy (if one exists), because other process may share the disk copy. Then it removes the pfdata table entry from the page-queue as the new copy of the virtual page is not on the swap device. It decrements the swap-use count for the page and if count drops to 0, frees the swap space.
How do I specify page breaks in HTML?
Answer :

There is no way in standard HTML to specify where page breaks will occur when printing a page. HTML was designed to be a device-independent structural definition language, and page breaks depend on things like the fonts and paper size that the person viewing the page is using.

The page looks good on one browser, but not on another.Why?
Answer :
There are slight differences between browsers, such as Netscape Navigator, Mozilla Firefox,Microsoft Internet Explorer, in areas such as page margins. The only real answer is to use standard HTML tags whenever possible, and view your pages in multiple browsers to see how they look.
Answer :

Use the CELLPADDING and CELLSPACING attributes of the table tag.
What does the broken image icon mean?
 Answer :

That means an image should go in that space, and there is a file by the name of the image that is supposed to go there, but the browser cannot display it. Most likely the image has been corrupted in the FTP transfer or is an image format other than .gif or .jpg.
Do I need to have the # mark in front of color hex codes?
Answer :

Not by today’s browser requirements. However, there are still some older level browsers out there and it would be nice to allow them to read your pages with few or no errors.
How do I make a graphic a link?
Answer :
Including the "img" tag between the "a href" tag and the "a" closing tag:
<A xhref=""><IMG xsrc="leopard.jpg"  WIDTH="25" HEIGHT="25" ALIGN="top" BORDER="0" ALT="link to wildlife"></A>

VB Script Interview Questions :
What is VB Script ?
Answer :

VB Script is a scripting language developed by Microsoft. With the help of this scripting language you can make your web pages more dynamic and interactive.
VB Script is a light version of Visual basic and it has an easy syntax.
VB Script is widely used and most popular as a client side scripting language. In html language you use < and > around the tags. But you can use many tags inside one pair of < % and % >. For Printing a variable you can use < % = % >.

What is the scope of a variable ?
Answer :

The scope of a variable defines whether a variable will be accessible in the whole function or will be accessed only to its local instance.I have defined earlier in the tutorials that they can also be deemed as a local variables or can be deemed as a global variables.
For ex.
< script >
Dim name
Sub cmdclickme_OnClick
Dim age
End Sub
< / script >

It is clear from the above example about the scope of the variable that the variable name will be available to the whole script as it is declared outside sub procedure so enhance his behaviour to the global as compared to the variable name age which is defined inside the sub procedure hence making his behaviour local and will be only accessed in this sub procedure only.

How to Assign values to a variable ?
Answer :

Simple you have to declare a variable name and assign any value.
For ex. Name = “Chandra”

Now all the above variables has been assigned values.This is a simple way to declare and assign related values to a variable.
Answer :

VbScript deals with a single datatype called variant. Datatype means the kind of the data a variable will store.It can be a character data,string data,number data , byte data and a Boolean data. But you don’t have to worry in Vb Script as it only has a datatype of variant to store any type of data.

Sub Type
True or False
Integers between –32768 and 32767
Long data between –2147483648 and 2147483647
Character Strings
Large Number with decimal points
No valid data
Monetary values
Integers from 0 and 255
Date and time
Large numbers with decimal points

How to Add VB script to web pages ?
Answer :

There are scripting languages like Javascript and Vbscript and they are designed as an extension to html language.The Web browsers like Microsoft Internet Explorer receives the scripts along with the rest of the web page document. It is the browser responsibility to parse and process the scripts. These scripts are widely used as a client side scripting languages.

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